Madic House Concerts with Kirsten Ludwig and Alexandria Maillot -- 04/05/16

The Madic Records House Concerts series is, well, exactly what it sounds like. Dan Mangan's record label, Madic Records, has started curating a series of house shows across the country, with hand picked artists. The likes of Astral Swans, The Crackling, Woodpigeon, and more have all been a part of the tours, and the latest featured Calgary-born, Victoria-based Kirsten Ludwig.
They crowd-sourced locations, and everyone met up at a nice house in the heart of Vancouver, with a living room set up for the show. 

Vancouver's Alexandria Maillot started things off, joined by Daniel Baxter also on guitar. The house show setting created a more intimate atmosphere as Alexandria chatted with the crowd throughout the set, between songs off her upcoming album, TIme, as well as a cover from The Civil WarsMaillot's voice lilted over the pair of guitars, and highlights included the soaring "Sunday Sara" and the bouncy "Time (On Your Own)" -- which is her entry into this year's CBC Searchlight competition

After a bit of mingling Kirsten Ludwig took the (makeshift) stage, alone with her guitar. Unfortunately, she had come down with laryngitis that morning, which made singing a little... tricky. She tried to adjust her set to compensate, including a Ryan Adams cover, a few brand new songs, and "Cinnamon" off her new album Honest Tracks, a hauntingly beautiful song. 
It was a little clear she was frustrated by the turn of events, but took it in stride, telling jokes between songs, and humourously slipped into spoken word mid-song. Had it been any other venue than a house show, I don't think it would have gone as well, but the audience was supportive, and even with the waning voice, the few songs she played were captivating. I hope she is back soon for another show. 

Kirsten decided after a few songs that she couldn't continue, and asked Alexandria back up on stage, who finished the night with a couple more songs, including a much-requested Dixie Chicks cover. 

Illness aside, it was a nice night of intimate music, and I really hope Madic continues this house show series.